Call for Proposals for the Civil Society Strengthening Fund

The Civil Society Strengthening Fund (CSSF) is the second funding window under the Shifting the Power Programme. It will provide a mix of Restricted (Organisational Strengthening) funding and Unrestricted (Core) funding to CSOs to deliver their strategic mission and achieve organisational sustainability. Interested and qualified CSOs are invited to apply for funding as specified in […]

Malawi Civic Space Dialogue

Tilitonse Foundation is a proud partner of the Malawi Civic Space Dialogue event taking place from 23rd to 24th August 2024. Join us at the Bingu International Convention Center, on Times TV and streaming live on Facebook to be part of the conversation on how we can all foster inclusive and accountable governance

Shift the Power!

For the next month or so we will be sharing some of the concepts that form the aims of the Shift the Power Movement in working to change the way development aid is deployed. These concepts also guide the Shifting the Power Programme that we are implementing in partnership with Comic Relief and UK AID […]

Catalysing the Growth of the Shift the Power Movement

Tilitonse Foundation attended a Shift the Power meeting in Maputo, Mozambique that took place on 8 – 9 August at Montebelo Indy Maputo Congress Hotel. The meeting theme was ‘Catalysing the Growth of the #ShiftThePower Movement in Mozambique’. This was space that was created for a national dialogue on Shift the Power for Mozambican CSOs […]

The Community’s Embrace of Resource Sharing: YICOD, Dedza

Today, Our team had the privilege of visiting the Youth Initiative for Community Development-Malawi (YICOD) projects in Kachere and Fosa Villages, Traditional Authority Kachere. There the “Strengthening Food and Nutrition Security Project” is being implemented by Tilitonse Foundation and the Civil Society Agriculture Network (Cisanetmw) with support from the German Federal Department for Economic Cooperation […]

Tilitonse Foundation at the African Philanthropy Conference

The Tilitonse Foundation is participating in the 5th African Philanthropy Conference 2024 taking place from 29 July – 3 August, 2024 at Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The conference brings together social movements, funders, researchers and ancillary institutions. It has been organized in two components: Academic Presentations from 29 – 30 July; and […]

Measuring What Matters Workshop in Bali, Indonesia

Tilitonse Foundation participated in a “Measuring what Matters” workshop in Bali, Indonesia from 9th to 11th July 2024. The workshop focused on having the collective confidence to build measuring tools that matter to all stakeholders rather than just using those that matter to funders. It attracted 22 participants from 16 countries. Participants have made commitments […]

Stronger Together: Tilitonse Foundation and ZGF Collaborate for Impact

The Tilitonse Foundation (Malawi) and the Zambian Governance Foundation (ZGF) are key players in national granting and community development. Both organisations hold significant regranting financial resources from Comic Relief and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom (FCDO). The two organisations recently came together under the guise of the Chipata Accord, a […]

End of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Training to CSOs

Many myths exist in the continuing debate about gender mainstreaming with some arguing that such attempts are fundamentally biased against women. Are these assertions reflected in reality? Are women truly favored over men? Are women already equal? Do policies only address women’s issues? How does gender mainstreaming benefit everyone? How can we overcome misconceptions surrounding […]