SAGNET will implement a project titled “Tilondole” which falls under the Affordable Input Programme theme. The project will be implemented in Salima district in central region of Malawi to the tune of 25000 euros for 12 months. The proposed project aims at tracking access to Affordable Farm Inputs (FISP) by poor farmers by focusing on how targeting of beneficiaries is done.
YICD has been awarded a grant to implement a project titled “Enhancing transparency and accountability in MEDF Loan Administration” which falls under MEDF theme. The project will be implemented in Dedza in central region of Malawi to the tune of 25000 euros for 12 months. The proposed intervention aims at empowering citizens and community structure including youth and women groups so that they can effectively participate in the processes of identification, disbursement of MEDF funds.
MAICC will be implementing a project titled “Nzatonse (Communal)” which covers three themes from the call which are MEDF, AIP and SRHR. This project will be implemented in Dowa in central region of Malawi and amounts to 25000 euros for 12 months. The project seeks to foster poor women and adolescent girls active participation in influencing decisions that increase their life chances and empowerment.
Misuku Beekepers Association will implement a project under the theme of Affordable Input Programme titled “Misuku affordable inputs programme tracking project.” This project will be implemented in Chitipa in northern region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The proposed project aims at empowering smallholder farmers in monitoring the newly launched Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) to ascertain whether it really addresses the challenges that were being experienced under Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP). It is envisaged that findings from the project would inform into improvements on AIP management and administration at national level.
Ukhondo Service gets an award to implement a project under Drug pilferage theme whose title is “Strengthening transparency, accountability and oversight in health facilities in Karonga”. This project will be implemented in Karonga in central region of Malawi to the tune of 25000 euros for 12 months. The aim of the intervention is to contribute towards accessibility and utilization of primary health care services and drugs in T/A Wasambo through strengthened health structures in 7 health facilities and communities in T/ the best practices to improve service delivery that is all inclusive
Gender Governance Institute will implement a Sexual Reproductive Health Rights project titled “Improving access to YFHS and SRHR products among adolescent girls and young women, in Mzimba”. This project will be implemented in Mzimba in northern region of Malawi amounting to 15000 euros for 12 months. The project aims at empowering AGYW to know their SRHR and are able to access Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender Based Violence (GBV services, are part of the feminist social movement, free from harmful cultural practices, with improved systems.
Muumoza organization will implement a project titled “Enhancing governance and health system accountability for people centred health care in Mzimba rural” under the theme of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). This project will be implemented in Mzimba in northern region amounting to 15000 euros for 12 months. The project seeks to have capacity empowered citizens enjoying quality and accessible health services in T/A Mabulabo and Khosolo in Mzimba district.
Action Hope Malawi will implement a project under the theme of Drug pilferage whose title is “Health Facility Drug Accountability Project in Zomba.” This project will be implemented in Zomba in southern region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The project will build the capacity of HCACs to monitor drug administration at health centre. The HCACs will be revamped since many are not very active. The project will also empower community members through sensitization on their rights in order to promote whistle blowing on drug theft.
Neno Active Youth in Development will be implemented a Sexual Reproductive Health Rights project titled “improving delivery of youth friendly health services and sexual reproductive health via social accountability in Neno district”. The project as indicated in the title will be implemented in Neno in southern region of Malawi for 12 months to the tune of 15000 euros. The project seeks to improve the provision of health services and sexual and Reproductive Health products in Neno District
Concerned Youth Organization will be implementing a project under the Urban governance theme titled “Building Active Citizenry for Accountable and Transparent Local Governance.” This project will be implemented in Blantyre in southern region of Malawi for 12 months amounting to 15000 euros. The project seeks to increase capacity of citizen, local governance structures to actively promote citizens’ engagement in democratic governance and upholding citizens’ rights by the local council through improved service delivery.
GASO will implement a project titled “Our Health Our rights” which falls under the Drug pilferage theme. The project will be implemented in Golomoti in Dedza in central region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The project is aimed at contributing towards improved responsiveness of Dedza District Hospital in the delivery of health services in T/A Kachindamoto
Thala Youth Organization will implement a project titled “ Making citizen voices count in enhancing governance and health system accountability in Lilongwe rural” which falls under Drug pilferage theme. This project will be implemented in Lilongwe in central region of Malawi amounting to 15000 euros for 12 months. The project aims at empowering communities and local structures so that they can effectively participate in the monitoring of drugs and medical supplies with the aim of ending theft thereby improving the quality of service delivery in health centres in T/A Khongoni, Kabudula, Mtema and Chitukula.
YCD will implement a project under the theme of Drug pilferage and titled “Strengthening community participation in drug management”. This project will be implemented in Nkhotakota in central region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The proposed intervention aims at empowering citizens for Increased and more effective participation of communities in the management of drugs and advocating to changes to policies and practices that affects their livelihood and hold duty bearers accountable.
Hope for Relief will be implementing a 12 months project titled “Ubwele bwithu/ our right project” which falls under the theme of Drug pilferage. This project will be implemented in chitipa in northern region of Malawi to the tune of 25000 euros. The proposed intervention aims at ensuring that the Ifumbo and Kameme health centres are responsive in terms of delivery and management of drugs. Through the intervention local structures would be empowered so that they can track the drugs that the health centres receive to ensure that all drugs are accounted for.
LICO will be implementing a Drug pilferage project whose title is “Empowering Citizens to Safeguard Medical Supplies in Rumphi District”. This project will be implemented in two T/As Rumphi in northern region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The project aims at Increasing transparency and accountability in the acquisition, distribution and utilization of medical supplies at District Health Office (DHO) and health facilities in Rumphi district.
VoL will implement a Sexual Reproductive Health Rights project titled “Campaign for improved YFHS in Mzimba North”. As the title indicates the project will be implemented in Mzimba district in northern region of Malawi amounting to 25000 euros for 12 months. The project seeks to contribute to improved health and wellbeing of the youth through a robust Youth Friendly Health System (YFHS) campaign in Mzimba North. The project further seeks to empower the youth with knowledge and skills so that they are able to address gaps in YFHS and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) through engagement with relevant duty bearers and stakeholders.
COVISODE will implement a Drug pilferage project titled “Udindo wathu Project” in Chikwawa chapananga in southern region of Malawi. This project will be implemented for 12 months and has been funded to the tune of 15000 euros. The project seeks to contribute towards improved governance of Health service delivery in TA Chapananga.
Makanjira Development Foundation will implement a Drug pilferage project titled “Robust Health Management Campaign in Mangochi”. The project will be implemented in Mangochi in southern region of Malawi amounting to 15000 euros for 12 months. The aim of the project is to establish a robust accounting monitoring mechanism that will enable the community to track and report cases of drug pilferage and build the capacity of communities to monitor utilization of drugs and medical supplies.
Women Inspire will implement a project titled “Access to YFHS and SRHR Products” under the theme of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights. This project will be implemented in Thyolo in southern region of Malawi for 12 months to the tune of 15000 euros. Women Inspire in partnership with Bvumbwe Health Centre and active participation of the concerned young people and representative community Health leaders would want to undertake the project in response to the growing numbers of young people who despite the availability of some of the needed SHR Services, do not patronize and even expose themselves to access the services.
YADA will implement a project Urban governance theme titled “Monitoring Community Development.” This project will be implemented for 12 months in Blantyre in southern region of Malawi amounting to 15000 euros. The project seeks to promote active citizen participation in wards in Blantyre city. The project seeks to find innovative ways to engage all cadres of city dwellers especially middle-class citizens who rarely participate in urban governance processes.