Terms of Reference for Conducting a Political Economy Analysis for Tilitonse Foundation

Link to PDF copy of TORs: https://t.ly/lBYbT

1.   Background

Tilitonse Foundation (TF) was established in 2016 to support Malawian Non-State Actors to engage in governance and development interventions. The Foundation’s work is within the Malawi Government development policy frameworks such as the Malawi 2063 Agenda and global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union Agenda 2063 and the Paris Declaration. Tilitonse Foundation supports Non-State Actors in consolidating and up-scaling good governance and development interventions in Malawi. It aims at increasing capacity of NSAs to actively promote citizens’ engagement in democratic governance and in upholding citizens’ rights by the state.

Tilitonse Foundation believes that increased capacity of Non-State Actors and promoting levels of citizens’ engagement in democratic governance are important to catalyze increased accountability, responsiveness and inclusivity of the state and other service providers. The approach that Tilitonse Foundation is advocating is one of collaboration, partnerships, coalition building, and having strong linkages to grassroots communities. The Tilitonse Foundation Objectives are as follows:

  • To build capacity in Non-State Actors to promote, strengthen, enhance and entrench good governance and build sustainability (of the civil society organizations);
  • To mobilize and provide funds to Non-State Actors for the promotion and enhancement of good governance in Malawi;
  • To provide a platform for Non-State Actors for improving inclusivity, transparency, accountability and responsiveness in governance in Malawi;
  • To promote and encourage Non-State Actors to engage in societal transformation through catalyzing more accountable, inclusive and responsive governance.

The Foundation seeks to conduct a Political Economy Analysis (PEA) to inform its operations as it also soon launches its five-year Strategic Plan for 2023-2027 period. The scope and focus of the assignment is to provide technical, strategic and facilitation support amongst other, to enable the development of a new strategic plan for the Foundation in line with its mandate.

  1. Scope and Objectives of Work

The purpose of this Political Economy Analysis (PEA) is to enhance the existing understanding of the political and economic landscape at the country level. It aims to provide a structured analysis of how these elements interact with the Tilitonse Foundation’s programmatic and advocacy goals. The findings from the analysis, based on environmental scanning and data analysis, will assist the Foundation in refining its program approaches and prioritizing actions to support the governance sector. This strategic alignment is crucial as the Foundation works towards fulfilling its commitment to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The analysis seeks to:

  • Identify emerging trends on political, economic, technological, social, security, and environmental fronts at various levels (country, regional, continental, and global) that could significantly impact the Foundation’s programs in Malawi.
  • Understand power dynamics and shifts among state and non-state institutions, influencing policy outcomes and political processes within national contexts that could affect the Foundation
  • Explore the interests and incentives of stakeholder groups regarding policy and practice in the governance progress of Malawi.
  • Recognize the contextual importance of power, institutions, actors, relationships, and processes related to the formulation and implementation of policies on governance rights.
  • Uncover visible, invisible, or hidden relationships among actors and institutions that wield significant control over decision-making processes, policies, and practices iun governance
  • Use the analysis to provide clear recommendations for the Foundation’s work. Additionally, recommendations should cover potential partners, opportunities for effective intervention, insights into the funding landscape in Malawi and internationally , and key changes and strategic choices for sustaining political and economic focus and maximizing impact in the country
  1. Methodology

The data collection process will involve key informant interviews, focus group discussions, utilization of secondary data, process mapping, and tracing. Key informants will be selected from a diverse range of stakeholders, including the Foundation’s partners, NGOs, relevant government agencies, and international entities operating in Malawi. The consultant will independently lead this work, with periodic check-ins with an internal focal person within the Foundation.

4.Key Deliverables

The assignment will produce the following key deliverables:

  1. Inception report detailing the understanding of the assignment, detailed methodology and timelines
  2. A draft PEA report incoporating but not limited to the followIng details:
  • Executive summary
  • Mapping of stakeholders
  • Examination and combination of pertinent context, power dynamics, institutions, individuals, and political processes in Malawi, at regional and global levels
  • Recommendations for key areas for engagement, governance and development programming
  • Tactics and targets/ processes for influencing
  • Supplemental inclusion of interview notes in an annex
  1. Presentation of the draft PEA report to stakeholders to validate.
  2. A final PEA report
  3. A process report
  4. Commitment to Quality Work

The assignment shall use an evidence-based approach and ensure the highest standards of work and timely deliverables at every stage of this assignment. The consultant shall ensure clarity of objectives and process during the consultations, counter-check all facts and figures cited, ensure that the content and format of the report meet the high standard for such documents. The consultant shall, at the onset of the planning process, identify and list all stakeholders having a direct and indirect interest in the process, who will form part of the consultation process.

  1. Consultant specification

The work requires an expert who will demonstrate complementary skills and

competencies in line with the scope of this work and take full responsibility for delivering the work.

The desired qualifications and experiences include:

  1. A minimum of Master’s degree in political science or law with a good understanding of

the governance sector.

  1. A proven track record in carrying out similar type of work (Political Economy Analysis)
  2. Conversant with the Malawian political and economic landscape as well as related institutions, interests and players


The consultancy shall be for a period of no longer than 2 months from April, 2024.

Details shall be contained in a contract that shall be negotiated and agreed on between the two parties.

8. Evaluation

Proposals to conduct the final evaluation will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • 25%: Understanding of assignment
  • 40%: Technical approach and methodology
  • 25%: Experience and Proposed personnel
  • 10 %: Cost competitiveness
  1. Application details

Proposals should be submitted to the email:submission@tilitonsefoundation.org with the subject line ‘Tilitonse Foundation’ Political Economic Analysis (PEA) Consultancy’ before or by 15th March, 2024. The Foundation values and appreciates all applications but only short-listed applicants will be contacted.