Call for Expressions of Interest to Serve in a Team of Experts for the Review of Project Proposals under the Shift the Power Programme-Civil Society Strengthening Fund

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  1. Introduction and Background

The Tilitonse Foundation is a local Civil Society Organization (CSO) established in 2016 which operates in the governance and development sectors in Malawi as a not-for-profit organization in the public sphere. It’s overall aim is to strengthen capacity of CSOs and to actively promote citizens’ engagement in democratic governance and in upholding citizens’ rights by the state, in order to promote sustainable development. Tilitonse Foundation is involved in capacity development, grant-making and management, research and learning.

Tilitonse Foundation (TF) has entered into a partnership with Comic Relief and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the UK Aid to implement a Shift the Power Programme in Malawi. The programme will focus on organizational strengthening and is aimed at ensuring that locally-led civil society organizations are invested in, in order that they can then address the needs, concerns and aspirations of people living under poverty.

The Shift the Power Program is being implemented through three funding windows, namely: Catalyst Fund, (CF) Civil Society Strengthening Fund (CSSF) and Community Resource Matching Fund (CRMF).

The CSSF is the biggest funding facility under the Shift the Power Programme in Malawi. It will primarily be aimed at supporting local CSOs working in the thematic areas of Early Childhood Development, mental health, gender justice, and safe and secure shelter to build and strengthen their organizational capacity. It will facilitate the identification of areas where strategic investment could lead to increased organizational capacity to deliver their strategic priorities. It will also provide core funding to local CSOs in order to ensure that they are supported on their path to self – reliance and organizational sustainability. The core funding will allow the CSOs to meet their core costs and provide flexibility in the delivery of their mandate.

The Fund will be competitive and open to all local CSOs working on the targeted programme and thematic areas. It will be open to local CSOs supported and those not supported by the Catalyst Fund. These include local NGOs, faith – based organizations, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), youth organizations, women and girls’ organizations and groups, social movements, umbrella organizations, organizations of people living with disabilities, networks and coalitions. It will provide organizational strengthening support in programming and organizational development.

The Tilitonse Foundation is intending to release a call for proposals for the Civil Society Strengthening Fund in September, 2023. The submissions that will be received following the call will have to be reviewed. In order to benefit from varied expertise available, and ensure that the review process is transparent and inclusive, the Foundation intends to co-opt experts into the review team for proposals. It is against this background that the Foundation is calling on interested and qualified individuals to form part of the review teams of the Civil Society Strengthening Fund submissions. This work will be done on voluntary basis with an expected stipend.

2. Objectives of work

The overall objective of this assignment is to review proposals under the Civil Society Strengthening Fund and submit a report with recommendations.

3. Scope of work

  1. Review proposals and provide notes for each applicant whose proposal is reviewed.
  2. Prepare a consolidated report on the proposal reviews with recommendations that will be presented to the Board of Directors of the Tilitonse Foundation.

4. Deliverables

  1. Score sheets for proposals and notes for the reviewed proposals.
  2. Consolidated report on proposal reviews with recommendations.

5. Duration and timing of the assignment

The duration of the assignment is 25 days from 23rd October to 17th November, 2023. The actual number of days will depend on the number of applications received.

6. Qualifications

A minimum of a Master’s Degree in Development Studies, Governance and Public Policy, and any other relevant field. Experience in the areas of Mental Health, Gender Justice, Early Childhood Development and Safe and Secure Shelter. Experience in project management and proposal review will be required.

7. Experience

  1. At least 5 years’ experience in similar roles and assignments
  2. Excellent analytical and report writing skills
  3. Demonstrable experience in working in development focused on Non State Actors (NSAs)

8. Application Process

Interested individuals are invited to submit their Expression of Interest to demonstrate their suitability for the assignment as follows:

  1. An expression of interest detailing applicants understanding of thematic areas they are interested in as regards issues and current developments in the thematic area (in terms of policy or legal framework).
  2. A list of similar assignments that the applicant has conducted in the past 3 years.

Expressions of interest clearly marked with the thematic area that you are interested in should be submitted to the following address not later than 17:00 hrs. on 28th July,2023.

Physical Address Postal Address Email Address
Tilitonse Foundation Plot No. 128, Lizulu Street Area 47 Sector 5 LILONGWE Malawi Tilitonse Foundation P.O. Box 31815 LILONGWE  Malawi with a copy to